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zmhk 2024-06-18
cba十佳球歌曲_cba的歌曲       在这个数字化的时代,cba十佳球歌曲的更新速度越来越快。今天,我将和大家分享关于cba十佳球歌曲的今日更新,让我们一起跟上时代的步伐。1.篮球场上经








       we will rock you

       .The Game Of Love——同样是一首2002-03赛季的主题曲,来自拉丁摇滚第一吉他手Santana和当红的摇滚女声Michelle。歌名很容易让人想起NBA最耳熟能详的那句口号:I LOVE THIS GAME!当Micheal Jordan完成最后一投而尽情挥舞自己的手臂时,当Vince Carter完成360度转体扣篮而激动地吼叫时,当Iverson投篮连续命中而实现大逆转时,他i still believe》(们心里所想到的第一句话一定是:I LOVE THIS GAME!正如乔丹在NIKE最新的广告片中的台词一样:What is love?What is love? Love is playing every game,if you likes


       歌曲名:(Remember the name)下面是歌词

       You ready?! Lets go!

       Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we’re all about

       It’s like this y’all (c’mon!)





       This is ten percent luck,

       Twenty percent skill

       Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

       Five percent pleasure,

       Fifty percent pain

       And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!









       He doesn’t need his name up in lights

       He just wants to be heard whether it’s the beat or the mic

       He feels so unlike everybody else, alone

       In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him

       But fuck em, he knows the code

       It’s not about the salary

       It’s all about reality and making some noise

       Makin the story - makin sure his clique stays up

       That means when he puts it down Tak’s pickin it up! let’s go!






       但他们错了 他知道规则


       都是关于现实 那么来点欢呼

       写下一个故事 确信他的团队还在

       就是说 当他写完 Tak接下去


       Who the hell is he anyway?

       He never really talks much

       Never concerned with status but still leavin them star struck

       Humbled through opportunities given to him despite the fact

       That many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps

       Put it together himself, now the picture connects

       Never askin for someone’s help, or to get some respect

       He’s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach

       And now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist



       也从不关心什么身份地位 虽然人们都崇拜他


       尽管很多人都误解他 因为他以创作rap为生

       他自己把歌曲组合 于是画面展现

       他从不寻求别人的帮助 或者为了获得什么尊重

       他只专注于他的创作 他的意志超越了极限

       现在一切都呈现出 一个艺术家的技巧


       This is twenty percent skill

       Eighty percent beer

       Be a hundred percent clear cause Ryu is ill

       Who would’ve thought that he’d be the one to set the west in flames

       And I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "Name Of The Game"

       Came back dropped Megadef, took em to church

       I like bleach man, why you had the stupidest verse?

       This dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots

       His stock’s through the roof I heard he’s fuckin’ with S. Dot!





       我听说他和Crystal Method乐队创作了歌曲《游戏之名》




       他的人气直线上升 我怎么听说他正和Jay-Z一起工作



       They call him Ryu, he’s sick

       And he’s spittin fire with Mike

       Got him out the dryer he’s hot

       Found him in Fort Minor with Tak

       What a fuckin’ nihilist porcupine

       He’s a prick, he’s a cock

       The type woman want to be with, and rappers hope he get shot

       Eight years in the makin, patiently waitin to blow

       Now the record with Shinoda’s takin over the globe

       He’s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope

       You wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid’s throat

       他们说 Ryu他很棒



       在Fort Minor里和Tak一起配合










       He’s not your everyday on the block

       He knows how to work with what he’s got

       Makin his way to the top

       He often gets a comment on his name

       People keep askin him was it given at birth

       Or does it stand for an acronym?

       No he’s livin proof, Got him rockin the booth

       He’ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice

       Him and his crew are known around as one of the best

       Dedicated to what they do and give a hundred percent













       Forget Mike

       Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard

       It seems like he’s never got time

       Because he writes every note and he writes every line

       And I’ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind

       It’s like a design is written in his head every time

       Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme

       And those motherfuckers he runs with,

       The kids that he signed?

       Ridiculous, without even trying,

       How do they do it?!












       [Chorus - repeat 2x]

       [Outro - Mike Shinoda]

       Yeah! Fort Minor

       M. Shinoda - Styles of Beyond

       Ryu! Takbir! Machine Shop!


       时间让我们在一起成长 只为心中同一个梦想 就算受了伤 我还有力量 继续奔向梦的远方 我们曾一起度过的时光 只为曾经儿时的击掌 努力的拼抢 激情的赛场 慢慢看到希望 当有一天拥有那份荣耀 总算不觉得付出的太少 家人的微笑 朋友的拥抱 有你们 是我最大的骄傲 我们谱写着自己的荣耀 让伤口在掌声中淹没掉 勇敢的起跑 就算再跌倒 也当做是我生命中最完美的一秒 这是歌词,这个是一句一句自己写下来的,也许有错误,估计误差不大,凑合看吧



       歌手:麻吉弟弟 专辑:oh my!!


       歌手:螺丝钉 专辑:second


       歌手:twins 专辑:爱情当入樽


       歌手:tank 专辑:(台湾偶像剧《斗牛要


       歌手:郑嘉颖 专辑:郑嘉颖 新歌+精选


       歌手:仲维军 专辑:我的6:57am


       歌手:陈绮贞 专辑:收藏陈绮贞(最新创作


       歌手:周杰伦 专辑:the one


       歌手:潘玮柏 专辑:混音 2005


       歌手:零点乐队 专辑:2000-2001cba主题曲


